The Energy Projects Plus LEAP team are excited to be back delivering full home visits again, helping residents prepare their homes for the challenging winter ahead.
Our in-depth home energy visits are available across Merseyside and Cheshire and are available to home owners, and those who rent from a social or private landlord.
Our expert advisors can install a range of energy saving measures including LEDs, draughtproofing, radiator panels, hot water tank jackets and chimney balloons. They provide valuable advice to help residents cope with the energy price rises, and can refer to Income Max for benefits support.
LEAP’s appliance scheme (previously known as HEART) is also open, offering A-rated replacement white goods to low income households who have an old, inefficient appliance to replace.
LEAP’s boiler scheme, (previously known as ECHO) is scheduled to return in the Autumn.
Please refer to LEAP using the EPP referral form.
Please note the new eligibility criteria for LEAP: