Our Trustees
Alun Hughes, Chair of Trustees
Alun is a Chartered Surveyor and, until his recent retirement, he had been Chief Executive of Wirral Methodist Housing Association (WMHA) since 1989. His involvement with Energy Projects Plus came through his interest in energy efficiency and fuel poverty, which are issues closely linked to the social housing sector. As Chair of the charity, Alun provides valuable support to the Chief Executive and other senior management team members.
Sarah Thompson
Sarah has a strong personal interest in environmental matters, sustainability and fuel poverty and previously worked for Energy Projects Plus, leading the Merseyside Local Authority Support Programme. As part of this role, she helped to attract the highly successful Health Through Warmth Programme funding that has seen over 7,000 vulnerable households receive heating improvements within an investment value of over £7m. Sarah then joined the Legal Services Commission – now the Legal Aid Agency, and has a wealth of experience in management and organisational contracts, contract management, fraud awareness, and insolvency.
David Colbourne
David joined Energy Projects Plus as a trustee in 2020. He had previously worked for Energy Projects before becoming the Energy Officer at Sefton Council, a role he held for 18 years. David was also Director of ALEO, the Association of Local Energy Officers, and is now Chief Executive Officer at Mersey Gateway Environmental Trust. He brings a wealth of experience to his role as trustee.