HEARTH links health with energy highlighting the benefits of a warm, healthy home for people who have respiratory or heart problems and who live in the borough of Halton.
- To improve the health and well-being of residents in the borough of Halton, where there is a disproportionably high level of heart attacks and respiratory illness compared to the national average.
- To reach the most vulnerable groups in Halton.
- To develop the energy efficiency policies of Halton Borough Council‘s Fuel Poverty Strategy, covering the two main aims of access to services and inequalities of health.
- To increase the numbers of householders implementing energy efficiency measures in Halton.
- Reduce carbon dioxide emissions and conserve energy.
- Develop partnerships with other organisations working in the health and domestic housing sectors.
By implementing heating and insulation measures, Halton residents reduce their fuel bills and make their homes warmer thereby reducing the impact of fossil fuel burning which is causing global warming.
What help is available?
HEARTH offers free energy efficiency advice to all Halton residents.
A limited number of grants have been made available specifically for heating and insulation measures where a member of the household suffers from heart or respiratory illness:
- Insulation e.g. draught proofing, loft insulation, cavity wall insulation and hot water tank jackets (through Halton’s EnergyZone scheme)
- Heating controls
- Condensing Boilers
- Baxi Ventilation Units – specifically for homes where damp and condensation problems are affecting the health of the occupants
- Cold Alarms – specifically for people who are elderly or have respiratory problems
- Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs)
- Referral to the Warm Front scheme which can provide grants up to £3,500 for heating and insulation for householders who meet the eligibility criteria
- Referral to npower’s Health Through Warmth scheme which offers a partial grant towards the cost of heating and insulation measures for householders who meet the eligibility criteria
Target area:
The scheme covers Halton Borough Council area.
Criteria for qualification:
Homeowners and private tenants with heart or respiratory illnesses
Duration and funding of project:
The scheme was developed in 2006 by Halton Borough Council and Energy Projects Plus, the managing agents, Because of its innovative approach it has also gained support from Scottish Power, Breatheasy, Let Go and other voluntary groups.
How does it work?
Health service staff (health visitors, practice nurses, doctors etc) who work with heart or respiratory patients receive training about the schemes available. They are then encouraged to refer any patients they feel are in need of help to the Energy Projects Plus save energy advice team.
Once referred, a qualified member of staff decides on the best course of action for the individual i.e. Warm Front, Health Through Warmth etc. Where patients are identified as requiring assistance from HEARTH a home visit is arranged to assess their needs.
All householders who receive a HEARTH grant complete a simple Health Monitoring Questionnaire prior to improvements and again 6 to 12 months afterwards. This monitoring enables HEARTH to demonstrate any health benefits and improvement in wellbeing of patients.
How to find out more
To find out if you qualify for help simply contact the Save Energy Advice Line Free on 0800 043 0151